Please note:

Every snippet has an author doc comment with my name, feel free to change it with your own :)

Plain PHP Snippets


Type phpi and press TAB.

Snippet Demo


Type phpc and press TAB.

Snippet Demo

constructor with a dependency injected

Type const and press TAB.

Snippet Demo


Type prop and press TAB.

Snippet Demo


Type meth and press TAB.

Snippet Demo

Laravel Snippets

has one relationship

Type relho and press TAB.

Snippet Demo

belongs to relationship

Type relbt and press TAB.

Snippet Demo

has many relationship

Type relhm and press TAB.

Snippet Demo

belongs to many relationship

Type relbm and press TAB.

Snippet Demo

has many through relationship

Type relht and press TAB.

Snippet Demo

morph to relationship

Type relmt and press TAB.

Snippet Demo

morph many relationship

Type relmm and press TAB.

Snippet Demo

morph to many relationship

Type relmtm and press TAB.

Snippet Demo

morphed by many relationship

Type relmbm and press TAB.

Snippet Demo


Type scope and press TAB.

Snippet Demo


Type accessor and press TAB.

Snippet Demo


Type mutator and press TAB.

Snippet Demo

twitter bootstrap input

Type tbi and press TAB.

Snippet Demo


Type facade and press TAB.

Snippet Demo

Testing Snippets

PHPSpec test

Type spec and press TAB.

Snippet Demo

PHPUnit setUp

Type setup and press TAB.

Snippet Demo

PHPUnit tearDown

Type teardown and press TAB.

Snippet Demo

PHPUnit test

Type test and press TAB.

Snippet Demo